Li Cylentos

Rocca Gloriosa and Antiquarium


Roccagloriosa in the territory of the UNESCO-protected National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano, with its 450 m above sea level is a veritable “balcony” over the valleys of the Mingardo and Bussento rivers, from which a spectacular panorama stretching from Palinuro to the Gulf of Policastro can be seen. Rich in history and culture, it plays a notable role in the history of the entire Cilento area, due to the presence of the archaeological zone rich in artifacts and the remains of the settlements of the Enotrians, Morgeti, Osci and Lucani that are well recounted within the two Civic Museums that are present in the municipality. But the origins of Roccagloriosa are far more ancient. In fact, thanks to the excavations that were carried out by the University of Alberta in Canada (1982-1991), numerous materials were found that date the frequentation of this area as far back as the Neolithic period. After all, such an advantageous location could not go unnoticed.

Info sul Tour

The tour will be divided into a first part dedicated to the archaeological area while admiring the panorama of Roccagloriosa, immersed in history and nature, while in the second part we will take a closer look at the very interesting finds.
Archaeologist Anna Maria Tripari will take us to the excavations of the archaeological site, from the necropolis, to the path around the city walls both of Lucanian origin. In particular, the necropolis called “La Scala” is striking for the monumentality of the tombs from the 4th century B.C., the finds of which are kept in the Antiquarium and the Antonella Fiammenghi Museum. The visit will be completed by visiting precisely the two museums, first the Antiquarium, which holds the artifacts that best testify to the life of the Lucanians in the 4th and 3rd centuries B.C., and then to the museum named after Antonella Fiammenghi, which holds very interesting funerary furnishings, gold, silver and bronze artifacts and gold jewelry of extraordinary value and workmanship that testify to both the taste and the ancient splendor of our ancestors

Museum hours and opening hours

June 15 to September 15
Monday through Sunday

Info and reservations

Liliana: 3401532319

Rosmary: 3319836446

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